A story of Haute Couture [Dreams]

My mom is a couture lover.

She always loved fabrics and needles, and as long as I can remember our house has always been full of that everywhere. 

The world of couture fascinates her, and her dream is to have her own atelier, colorful and organized so she can get inspired and finally do what passionate her most. 
While I was little I was her little doll, she made me some fantastic dresses, stylish shorts and skirts, I always have been trendy! 
[ Thanks Mom 🎔😅 ]

Before me she used to sew for herself and for other women friends too. When it comes to sewing, she is a perfectionist. Her product has to be perfect, a real sur-measure. That's why sometimes it takes her a lot of time to achieve one piece, giving it several tries, making sure there is no mistake and that everything is in place. 

Here are some of th latest pieces she made for me :

Between her job, taking care of her family, and the daily chores, there is not much time left for her to do what she loves. But we still try to motivate her and encourage her, so she doesn’t lose hope give up her passion.

My mom's dream is "To Become a real Couturière" !

☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ 

Many of us have their own personal Dreams. 

Generally, we dream of stuff that passionate us. What's curious is that when we just imagine them all realized we get so excited and happy, we feel more alive than we ever have been. A sort of energy is already generated, and that's so powerful and full of positive vibes. 

All this only by imagining it became true

what would it look like if they actually came true? 

What would be the feeling if we get to realize those dreams, no matter the struggles we faced, the time we've waited and the work we put on? 

No doubt the feeling would be enormous, and even more if the process wasn't easy.
Because naturally once we can face a problem and fix it, we feel proud of ourselves and both our confidence and self-esteem rise.

So, achieving a Dream (even a crazy big one) is certainly paired with facing problems and difficulties, and solving all of that with patience and efforts is a part of the achievement, and a part of the dream itself.

No matter what it takes, time, money or hard work... No matter who you are, male or female, young or old, married or single... don't give up on that dream! 
Believe in it, and start thinking of a way to make it happen, sooner or later.

Make of your dream a Goal !

The bigger your dream is and as much as it seems impossible, the more effect it will have, the joy and excitement will be a lot bigger and huge. 

Believing and Not giving up is the first step to start realizing a dream. Don't forget that before you learned to walk, you crawled, then stood up and fell a hundred times, and look at you now, you don't just walk, you run too!

[ ♡  ♡  ♡ ]

I hope you guys enjoyed the reading ! 😊
Don't hesitate to share and comment. I'll be happy to hear your feedback on this, was it helpful anyhow?

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