I am turning 21 !

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Last week was my Birthday, I'm now one year older and it's just now that I realized how many things can change in only one single year. I am fascinated!

So what happened in this last 365 days of my life? What changed about me? Let's find out together !

★ Nothing's as wonderful as Love

Je veux l’exclusivité, Je veux un Amour exclusif avec Toi ❣️

Yess 😍 and this is weird since I spent years believing that true love doesn't exist anymore. Although that didn't stop me experiment it, but it was total fails until I met HIM finally. All of a sudden, I found out I was wrong.
Once he entered my life I felt it changing to a better one, then I knew he was the one. I also knew what love looks like, what does it mean and I am still discovering that day after day, believe me or not but each time I am thrilled.

★ I grew old a little bit more


It's just one more year and yet we can notice a little difference.
Living with someone else, I mean sharing your life with another person actually , makes you see life and things from another angle. It may be an oppurtinity to rethink about few things, about our own self. Taking this opportunity, and working on making ourselves a better us seems to be a good idea.

★ Another perception of the social life

Once you get out of your compfort zone and face the truth that is called LIFE, you'll find out what wild is this jungle we're living in. It's not a book of dreams and fairytales, we are in a reality where people talk and judge all the time, being nice sometimes is just an option. Being aware of all of this is a step forward into adulthood, apparently.

★ I started sticking to my goals

That is something I am kinda proud of  actually.
Every 31 of December happens that ritual of "New Year's resolutions". It is generally something like "starting the gym", "eating healthier" or  "reading a number of books" or maybe writing more.. I don't know, there is a lot to put on the list but one thing is sure : we never reaallyy stick to that.
Well maybe if we are less general, less random and if we change the way we set our goals, there will be a chance we'll stick to them.
What I did, I believe, is to focus on short term goals. During that precized time there is something you really do want to achieve, you give yourself no time to procastinate, or to think about it twice, you just do it.

★ It's not quantity but quality

13 ways to reduce stress and lead a less hectic life

It's a lifetime dilema not everyone found balance or the fine line between them two.
To do good in something we don't need to work all day, 24/7 with no rest! That is inhuman and all it does is make our stress level rise, which can lead to failure most of the time. 
Working on our self, feeling happy and calmed down, keeping the stress away will give us energy and motivation to achieve the work we would've spent an entire day in, instead we'll get to still have some time to enjoy.

★ I am on my way of finding my vocation

Path to nowhere [Scotland] : pics. "chemins qui ne mènent nulle part / entre deux prés / que l'on dirait avec art / de leurs buts détournés, // chemins qui souvent n'ont / devant eux rien d'autre en face / que le pur espace / et la saison." R.M. Rilke

I was never real sure about what I am doing, what I am studying, what work I want to do, what carreer will suit me the best... just what do I want from this life for God sake ! It's always been a mess in my head. Now let's say I am able to project myself in the future, to think of different senarios that are luckily to happen, my thoughts about serious stuff are a bit clearer. It's not It yet, but a beginning.

★ I started a blog

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "blogging"

And yes it is an achievement!
For years I tried that but I was never sure what to write about. I want to share so many things with the world but the idea was never complete. So now I know the purpose I'm writing for : to share with the world how I see things in life, I want to be helpful as much as I can. Maybe writing is not a terrible idea.

★ Eat ~ Pray ~ Love

Maybe if I watch this movie enough, it will actually come true.  Eat Pray Love Italian Apt

It is a book and an amazing movie and also my rule in life. This is how I found out I can keep mayself balanced. 
Having good food on our plates and avoiding juncks is a big step, but it's obvious that while keeping it naturally simple, we're trating our health somehow, less processed stuff in our body won't harm.
When I dont pray I do feel something is missing and I honestly don't feel very comfortable. So to me it is very important to pray and fill that spiritual hole inside me. What so ever it stays a personal thing. It is a sort of meditation, when you have to focus on only one thing at a time. 
Finally, Love one more time, you can't deny it but it is the food of the heart and life. It's about loving the little things, the tiny little small things no one else's noticing but you, and somehow it is lovely enough to make you feel happy.

Those were so far what I learned in my 20 years of existance, who knows what the future holds for me. I wish the best is yest to come.

Thank you for passing by ! 

The pictures above are mostly from Pinterest
Anyway hopefully you'll have enjoyed the reading. Please make sure you tell me what you have learned in the past year in the comments. 

Meanwhile Have a good day ! 



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