The time when Girls do get overwhelmed and stressed easilly

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Girls or women in general tend to get overwhelmed and stressed more often and easilly. What we are used to forget is that women work in cycles
There are some periods when they can be «normal», behaving very normally and peacefully, then other moments when they even themselves dont know whats wrong with them. That is totally fine.

I am a woman, and I can confirm that those periodes when we aren't «normal» suck! We Hate being this way, everything is tireding us, even our own selves. Its during those periods of times when we start see everything bad and wrong, we fill in our negativity bag and we are disgusted of all. We get stressed, our whole system is in alert but we don't know what to do. Each time we try something and doesn't work we get even more stressed, more mad and we are pissed off, just like that.
If we are single, we struggle alone, and our surroundings a little bit, when we are in a relationship, our dear lovely partner suffers when he has no clue how to act around a woman in her period of time when everything is confused and confusing. 

Sometimes this state of non-well being can happen on a bad timing. For example in a moment when our partner too is having some other stressing things going on in his life. With our behavior he might take it personally and the problems begin! Useless* problems unfortunately.

Guys dont get it, they can try to help so they will ask us fair questions as : whats going on? Tell me how do you feel? 
Nice try, but we girls have no idea!

Sometimes we dont even have an answer to that, so we say «I dont know» which is absolutely not helpful for Mr. Man to understand, or we can say « I am tired of everything ! I feel suffocated and I want this situation to stop or change.»

The guy here can translate those words into «I am tired of you, you are suffocating me I want this to end between us» which is TOTALLY Absolutely WRONG !

See , I told you problems happen !

First of all let's see why women find themselves sometimes in this kind of situations.

One of the most common reasonable reason is : Period !

Period just before it comes, one of its main symptoms is this mood changing. Women become a lot more sensitive and fragile, we get hurt rapidly, we over-react sometimes, we overthink... 
Simply, and in another words, we can't manage our stress anymore, we can't control our feelings and emotions as strongly as we could've done usually. 

Also, our expectations from our partner or surrounding in general grow. All we want to do is run away, far away from that something that's drawning us down called stress, leading us to unexplained sadness. We feel kinda depressed and that really sucks.

To avoid the useless problems between two during those periods of time, there is a certain way of dealing with it, it's simple and efficient. 

The key is «extreme kindness and mood boost»

When a woman says that she is sick of everything and wants it to stop, she is actually just wanting you to be nice to her, to tell her some nice words that will boost her mood, satisfy her ego and calm her down

At this kind of time, let out the softest part of you Man, trust me, be soft to her, hold her in your arms as much as you can and cover her with kisses. Pause what ever is that thing you have and that's stressing you apart, and do that, your woman then can help you, she will be able to. 

Maybe just the fact that she is doing well because of your effort will make you feel proud, a part of you will feel satisfied, and seeing your woman doing better will inconsciously put you too in a calm and better mood. 

Mr. Man make sure you know, just a nice word from you can change everything about us, to the best.

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Thank you for reading this article, I hope you enjoyed it. 
If you have any remark or comment don't hesitate. If you liked the article PIN it and share. 

Meanwhile, Take Good Care of Yourself !


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