3 ways Love will change your life
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Love is one of the things that has serious and huge impact on our life.
It is an instinctive feeling, we have it since we are born, even before
somehow, but while growing up we tend to forget its use, how to show and
receive it, and how powerful this feeling can be. Busy with our daily life,
duties and obligations, lost between what we want and what we must do, we might
find struggles with others, with our work and also with our own selves, and we
keep ignoring the reason why, while it can be simply a “love” problem. So, does love affect our life? And how can we love well and get the best
out of it?
Here we'll discuss 3 ways when love is the problem solver.
This has become a
popular term nowadays, but I truly do believe that self-love is the key to a
happier life. what is it actually about? It's simple.
When you look at the
mirror just adore what you see, with its flaws and imperfections, because this
is what makes you who you are. Give yourself a chance of love and care,
listen to your inner self and appreciate it. If you don't do it first, who
else's going to do it for you?
Try to accept and
appreciate who you are, and what you look like, what defines you may not be the
well-known "perfect", but it will definitely be THE PERFECT for YOU. There
is no need to compare yourself to others if you’ll only criticize and tell
yourself a bunch of negative affirmations that will do nothing but drag you
down, make you lose confidence and make you sad and insecure about your own
skin. Be proud of who you are and what you look like because all those small
DETAILS are what defines you.
Once you'll start
loving yourself, you will notice some CHANGES happening to your life very
easily. Either your mental and physical health will be improved, you'll be more
productive and more confident to start realizing your dreams and living better.
Taking care of yourself will be a natural reflex, a lifestyle that can
even affect others. Your friends and family and anyone else is able to
notice that you're really okay with yourself and have no issues with that, not
because you are a beauty icon or the smartest person on earth, but because you
are aware and happy with who you are; this is the beauty people are looking
for, this harmony and coherence.
Finally, for that
point, once you learn how to love yourself, you will feel more energized, and
full of positivity and determination to face the world and embrace your dreams.
Simply because doing
what we love is FREEDOM and loving what we do is HAPPINESS.
Once you do something
you are actually passionate about, you like that thing and enjoy every single
moment you spend doing it. It is a motivation itself that makes you ready to
always do more and do your best.
It may be work,
studies, a hobby or anything else, loving this thing that you do and have to
do, improves your productivity as it boosts you with strong positive energy,
enough to make fulfilling the most annoying task ever much easier and a lot
less stressful. Because you'll be doing it with love and passion.
Loving what you do,
deals with seeing it from a different angle, finding positive sides in whatever
it could be. Our life is in fact full of a bunch of tasks and duties, towards
either ourselves or others, and sometimes we just have to do things, but if we
don't like it or try to like it at least a little bit, we will never succeed in
it. However, the solution is within our hands. If you start by loving it
first, and accepting it as a reality, you won't be procrastinating about it
forever, in contrary achieving and doing more of it will become a goal you'll
want to work hard for, so you'll become a lot more productive. In another
words, one more time Love is the key to success.
Do not fear or avoid the L word!
Showing love towards
the ones who deserve it is a sign that you are a fully aware and complete
person, conscious of the importance of love in your own and others' life in
general. Starting by yourself, you love and appreciate YOU, then you do the
same for people around you, this is how you'll find balance.
By showing love I do
not mean keep talking romantic and sentimental with poetic expressions... this
is nonsense. However, love can be shown in so many ways, it actually has its
own languages. It is about encouraging and appreciating the other, your
partner, friends, family members and relatives, colleagues at work, roommate, neighbors,
someone you met at the supermarket... anyone who you think deserves some
kindness and appreciation would be grateful to you. Love is free isn't it, so
give people chance only by being nice, by smiling at them, by listening,
showing affection to the closest ones, and especially the closest ones!
Maybe affection is
the missing piece of the puzzle if you face struggles with your partner or your
closest family members. It's just showing them that you care and that they mean
something to you. Love is a feeling for sure, but no one will know if you keep
it only to yourself, but when you act about it and express it, others will be
very thankful and maybe it can change your entire life.
“Love is an element which though physically unseen is as real as air or
water. It is an acting, living, moving force... it moves in waves and currents
like those of the ocean.”
Then, if you chose to
empower and improve yourself, if you want to feel happier and if you're seeking
for success within your personal professional or social life, then chose
love and start living your better life.
… Just one more thing
I’d like to mention: Don’t refuse others’ love and keep in mind that there’s always
gonna be some who will hate but others that will love.
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