I am turning 21 !

Follow my blog with Bloglovin Last week was my Birthday, I'm now one year older and it's just now that I realized how many things can change in only one single year. I am fascinated! So what happened in this last 365 days of my life? What changed about me? Let's find out together ! ★ Nothing's as wonderful as Love Yess 😍 and this is weird since I spent years believing that true love doesn't exist anymore. Although that didn't stop me experiment it, but it was total fails until I met HIM finally. All of a sudden, I found out I was wrong. Once he entered my life I felt it changing to a better one, then I knew he was the one. I also knew what love looks like, what does it mean and I am still discovering that day after day, believe me or not but each time I am thrilled. ★ I grew old a little bit more It's just one more year and yet we can notice a little difference. Living with someone else, I mean sharing your life with another...