
Affichage des articles du mai, 2018

I am turning 21 !

Follow my blog with Bloglovin Last week was my Birthday, I'm now one year older and it's just now that I realized how many things can change in only one single year. I am fascinated! So what happened in this last 365 days of my life? What changed about me? Let's find out together ! ★ Nothing's as wonderful as Love Yess 😍 and this is weird since I spent years believing that true love doesn't exist anymore. Although that didn't stop me experiment it, but it was total fails until I met HIM finally. All of a sudden, I found out I was wrong. Once he entered my life I felt it changing to a better one, then I knew he was the one. I also knew what love looks like, what does it mean and I am still discovering that day after day, believe me or not but each time I am thrilled. ★ I grew old a little bit more It's just one more year and yet we can notice a little difference. Living with someone else, I mean sharing your life with another

How to understand a Long Distance Relationship

Follow my blog with Bloglovin Nearly none of us, I believe, do appreciate distance in a relationship. But love has its own little sacrifices. If you are in a long-distance relationship from the beginning, since you first met, it's not that hard to survive I think, because you know that you are only waiting for a little bit of time and then you will be reunited and you're gonna live the daily life of a real relationship, every day, every night. But when the distance arrives after you have already lived something together for a while, and when it has to be this way and there is no other clue, then I will admit: it is really TOUGH!  But still doable ... Here are some tips I have learned from my own experience and that I am sharing with you.   ─ 1 First you should be PATIENT  ─ Be patient in general, not anxious about life and not stressed about time. Patience is the first step if you wanna accept to live a LDR. Because LDR is no joke, you should be abl

3 ways Love will change your life

Follow my blog with Bloglovin Love is one of the things that has serious and huge impact on our life. It is an instinctive feeling, we have it since we are born, even before somehow, but while growing up we tend to forget its use, how to show and receive it, and how powerful this feeling can be. Busy with our daily life, duties and obligations, lost between what we want and what we must do, we might find struggles with others, with our work and also with our own selves, and we keep ignoring the reason why, while it can be simply a “love” problem .  So, does love affect our life?  And how can we love well and get the best out of it? Here we'll discuss 3 ways when love is the problem solver. This has become a popular term nowadays, but I truly do believe that self-love is the key to a happier life. what is it actually about? It's simple. When you look at the mirror just adore what you see, with its flaws and imperfections, because this is what makes y

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