Something about me

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Hi Internet, I am Salwa and you don’t know me yet. Well here is a little something I’d like to share, straight from the heart, and I wish their will would be some more.

I’m interested in art, I like art; but it’s very rare when I do something artistic. I like writing, but finding the right words, building sentences and writing things down is not easy to me anymore. I also love books and I love reading, but I can’t recall the last time I finished a book, it may be a year now perhaps... 
You may have probably noticed, I’m a girl who lives in a total contradictory, to avoid using the word «mess». 

Younger, at a certain period of my life, I remember I used to be more organized as I think it was the period when, I guess, I was at the most of my productivity in the artistic domain. In my belief, it was the time when I discovered my passion and love to art and crafts, since then I always feel a sort of peace of the mind and a quiet excitation each time I see or do something from that field. Since the age of ten, I started my journey of learning and developing skills such as playing guitar or learning English, in fact, I also used to write tones of poems and short stories, that I’m still keeping safely by the way. 

Furthermore, I was a huge reader, yes i used to read a lot, everywhere anytime; and when I had nothing to do I’d grab paper and pencil and draw whatever, or if I had no inspiration for drawing I’d open my crafting box, choose some colorful yarns and start making friendship bracelets and other jewelry. 

It’s funny to think that I had a routine as well, I used to sleep every night at 10:30, but I jump in bed half an hour earlier and read something. Today I just can’t even if I want to, because seriously Instagram or YouTube always turns to be more fun.

Suddenly everything’s explained! 

Back to that time internet wasn't handy, as we didn’t have smartphones, so less screens at home making room for books that you can hold in your hands, which you feel the papers while turning the pages. We used to be kids with free time and felt that. Because, well, technology makes us feel busy, there is always a selfie to take, a story to publish, messages to answer, pictures and videos to like and comment, all this has its pros but cons too, connected youth doesn’t take time to discover its inner self, thinking they don’t have time, because they’re busy texting and snapping, they will not make for developing their personality, understanding who they are, what they like what they don't, what they want and don't. Anyway, I think that this is how I developed a kind of creativity, at this period of my life, by looking deep inside my personality with courage and bravery, digging into a wild imaginative mind, a creative brain.

Speaking of that, it's known that creative people use their right brain's hemisphere more than the left one (just FYI another study proved that in contrary, creative processes use the whole brain not just a half of it, but whatever). The funny thing here is that in all my academic cursus I do not really need to use this right side since it's nothing "artistic", but totally the opposite if I may tell.
In fact, I guess one reason why I happen to be less creative today is this lack of disposability first, then inspiration for doing "art". Even if there are some people who can find to programming, for example, or doing math or I don't know... maybe geography, they can find to it something “artistic”, and it can be anything you know it’s a perspective, even though we won't be on the same page, me and those guys, their art is not the same as the one I am talking about right now.

But it doesn't matter, because after all, any kind of art needs a sort of peace of the mind, some inspirational resources, you gather those two then you take a breath and go ahead creating your masterpiece. It shouldn't be big or phenomenon, it doesn't have to be perfect either, you know sometimes all the beauty is in the imperfection, and it's in the little things where we find happiness.

The little things...

I miss this feeling of "the end" when you're just done reading the very last sentence of a great book. 

I miss the feeling of the big smile on my face once I finish a drawing or a painting then I look at it.

I miss how calm I become and so connected to my inner self, mind and body in harmony, listening to each other and giving life to something beautiful.

I also miss how simple thoughts can come out of my head, pass through my arm, hand till the pen I am holding in between my fingers, manage themselves to find a place in a blank page in the form of words and verses. After that, you re-read them out loud but with only the right amount of voice, and you have the privilege to be the first one who’s going to listen to your words in private. But even more, sometimes you are not the laziest anymore, so you grab your guitar and let your hands and heart do the job. Congrats, your writing thing has a melody now, feel free to call it a song.

I think those little joys will always be important in my living experience, so I wish I can make time or more time for those little precious-to-me stuff in the future, since it will only bring positive vibes to my stressful life that it became. 
I have no doubt that each time I'll do one of the things previously mentioned, I will be happy and will be enjoying it. Finding what makes you feel You and in your own personal world, a kingdom where imagination is queen, this may have better effect than meditation, unless the thing is meditation on its own... 

After all, the point is to gather the mind and focus into inner peace, make mind soul and body in harmony, you will breath better, think better... it's like a mind workout. So, be kind and find your very own mind workout.

by Salwa.D


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